How to Seal Concrete Curbing: 6 Steps [DIY Solution]

Last Updated on February 6, 2023

Sealing concrete curbing is a great way to protect your outdoor area from the elements and ensure that it remains in good condition for years to come. It’s important to take the necessary steps when preparing to seal your concrete curbing, as well as understand how to correctly apply the sealant in order to get the best results.

In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about preparing and sealing concrete curbing, including cleaning the surface, patching cracks or damaged areas of the curbing, application tips and troubleshooting common problems like uneven coverage.

We’ll also provide maintenance tips so that you can keep your curbing looking its best for years to come. So if you’re ready to learn more about how to properly seal concrete curbing, read on! 

How to Seal Concrete Curbing Properly

How to Seal Concrete Curbing Properly

Application Tips and Tricks

Selecting the Appropriate Sealer 

Selecting the appropriate sealer for concrete curbing is an important step in ensuring that the project will last for years to come. There are a few things to consider when selecting a sealant. First, think about what kind of protection the sealer will provide. Is it waterproofing, protecting against stains or degradation from ultraviolet rays? Second, consider how often the sealer will need to be applied.

Some sealers require reapplication every two or three years while others may provide longer lasting protection with just one application. Finally, research which products are best suited for your particular type of concrete curbing and climate conditions. This can help ensure that you pick a product that is designed to work with your particular material and area of installation. 

Stirring Sealer Thoroughly Before Applying 

Stirring the sealer before applying is an important step in obtaining optimal results when sealing concrete curbing. When stirring, make sure to mix until all particles are dispersed properly throughout the solution and no lumps remain in the mixture.

Additionally, it is best practice to avoid using an electric drill when stirring since this can cause air bubbles in solution which could compromise its effectiveness. Instead, use a stick or paddle and stir slowly but consistently for at least five minutes before beginning application process. 

Reading Manufacturer’s Directions Carefully

Reading manufacturer’s directions carefully before starting any project involving concrete curbing is essential as this will ensure that you are aware of any specific instructions or warnings associated with the product you have chosen to use.

In addition to learning how much coverage each container of sealant provides, also make sure to take note of drying times, temperature requirements, and any special preparation steps required prior to application such as rinsing off dirt or degreasing surfaces beforehand. By taking these considerations into account beforehand, you can save yourself time and energy while also ensuring that your project has its best chance at success! 

Beginning at One End of The Curb 

When applying sealer on concrete curbing it is best practice to begin at one end and work your way methodically down towards the other end rather than randomly jumping around from place to place creating an inconsistent finish line along the curb’s surface.

This not only helps with creating even coverage across all surfaces but also allows you more control over where you choose to apply pressure if needed which can be especially helpful if dealing with corners or curves along the way!  

Working in Small Sections at A Time 

Working in small sections at a time ensures better evenness across all surfaces compared to trying to do everything all at once due to being able to observe details easier this way and make corrections as needed if necessary before moving onto next section rather than having mistakes spread out throughout entire job site!

Additionally by doing smaller areas at once there’s less chance of missing spots along edges or corners which can leave gaps in coverage leading potential water damage further down road due lack of proper protection from elements!  

Using High Quality Paintbrush or Foam Roller  

Using high quality paintbrush or foam roller when sealing concrete curbing is highly recommended as both tools provide great coverage without leaving behind too much residue like traditional rollers can do if not used correctly!

Additionally since paintbrushes come in various sizes they allow better maneuverability around tight spaces such as corners easily without causing too much disruption overall look surface offers after being sealed as well providing nice smooth finish overall job site!

Furthermore foam rollers have ability absorb more liquid than regular counterparts making them perfect choice those looking quick yet thorough application process wanting get most bang their buck investing good quality materials start off with!

Preparing to Seal Your Concrete Curbing

Cleaning the Concrete

 Remove Debris and Dirt:

Before you begin preparing your concrete curbing for sealing, you will need to ensure that all debris and dirt is removed in order to get the best results. This may involve sweeping the surface of the curbing, vacuuming it, or using a pressure washer on a low setting.

When cleaning with a pressure washer, be sure to hold the nozzle at least 12 inches away from the concrete surface and use a fan-shaped pattern of water instead of a single point of spray. Once any dirt and debris has been removed, allow the surface to dry completely before proceeding with sealant application. 

Use a Pressure Washer: 

To further prepare your concrete curbing for sealant application, use a pressure washer set on low or medium power levels to remove any excess dirt or grime that may be left behind after sweeping and vacuuming.

If you don’t have access to a pressure washer, rent one from your local hardware store or home improvement center if possible. Be sure to keep the nozzle at least 12 inches away from the concrete surface while spraying and never use excessively high power levels as this can cause damage to the surface of your concrete curbing. 

Use a Masonry Brush for Stubborn Spots:

After using a pressure washer on your concrete curbing, use masonry brushes on stubborn spots or areas where dirt or staining has built up over time. A masonry brush is softer than steel bristled brushes which makes it an ideal choice for cleaning delicate surfaces such as concrete curbing without causing damage.

When using masonry brushes, hold them firmly against the surface of the curbing in an even motion back and forth until all stubborn areas have been cleaned away. 

Rinse with Water and Allow to Dry Completely: 

Once all debris, dirt, and stains have been removed from your concrete curbing with either sweeping, vacuuming, pressure washing or masonry brushing techniques, rinse off any remaining residue with clean water and allow it to dry completely before applying sealant products overtop of it.

This step is important because any remaining residue left on top of sealed surfaces can prevent proper adhesion between the sealer and substrate resulting in premature failure of both products applied overtop of each other down the line.

Patching Cracks or Damaged Areas of the Curbing

Purchasing Cement-Based Patching Compound & Fillers:

When preparing to seal concrete curbing, it’s important to purchase the right type of patching compound and fillers. The most common type is cement-based, which is easy to work with, durable and long lasting.

When purchasing this material, consider the size of the area you will be sealing as well as what features you need from the product such as waterproofing or color retention. It’s also important to make sure that you buy enough of the product for your needs. Be sure to read labels carefully and follow manufacturer instructions for use.

Assessing the Damage & Preparing Appropriately:

Before beginning any sealing project, it’s important to assess the damage and prepare accordingly. This includes inspecting the curbing for cracks or chips that need patching, removing dirt or debris from around those areas, and ensuring that all surfaces are clean and free from dust before applying any products.

Once these steps have been completed, it’s time to move on to the next step in prepping your concrete curbing for sealing.

Cleaning Around Cracks & Chips:

Once all repairs have been made and any dirt or debris has been removed from around cracks or chips in your concrete curbing, it’s time to give them a thorough cleaning before applying any sealant.

A pressure washer can help remove any stubborn residue that may have built up over time due to weather exposure or other factors just be sure to not get too close with the water stream as this can cause further damage if not done properly. If using a power washer isn’t an option for you, a stiff brush can also do the trick when scrubbing away dirt or grime from surfaces before sealing.

Mixing Up Enough Patching Compound:

Before applying sealant over repaired areas of concrete curbing, it’s important that an adequate amount of patching compound has been mixed up and ready for application. Depending on what type of product you purchase (cement-based vs resin-based) this process may vary slightly so familiarize yourself with manufacturer instructions prior so you know exactly how much material needs mixing and how long it should take before being applied.

Additionally, making sure there is enough product available will ensure that once patched areas are covered evenly without leaving any gaps behind meaning leaks are less likely when everything is sealed up properly afterwards!  

Applying The Compound Evenly:

Once enough patching compound has been prepared and mixed up according to manufacturer instructions, begin working on filling in cracks or chips with a trowel making sure that each area is filled evenly across its entirety without leaving any gaps behind.

Pay attention while doing this step so that no excess material escapes into other parts of your concrete curbing this can lead to more problems down the line once it comes time for sealing!  

Allowing The Compound To Fully Cure:

After patching all affected areas with cement-based filler materials allow them time to dry completely before moving onto subsequent steps in completing your project (sealing).

This will depend on environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity but typically one should expect 24 hours of drying time per inch thickness of filler used during repair work allowing plenty of time for everything set firmly into place before finishing off with sealant application later on down the line!

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Uneven Coverage

Proper preparation of the surface is essential for achieving even coverage when sealing concrete curbing. Before beginning, any dirt and debris should be cleaned from the surface with a pressure washer or broom and dustpan. If the surface has been previously sealed, all of the old sealant must be removed before applying a new coat.

Once the surface is clean and dry, use a sprayer or roller to apply two coats of sealant. Allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next layer. Make sure to overlap each pass slightly to ensure consistent coverage in every corner and crevice. When finished, check the entire area for any missed spots and touch them up as needed.


To prevent streaks or stripes when sealing concrete curbing, it’s important to use an even technique while applying sealant. To do this, start in one corner and work your way methodically around the perimeter of the area you’re sealing.

Use long smooth strokes with an overlapping pattern so that every section has an even application of sealant. If you notice any streaks or unevenness while you’re working, use a brush to lightly blend them out until they’re gone. Additionally, don’t apply too much pressure while using a roller because this can cause unwanted lines or marks on the surface as well.


Blistering or pealing usually occurs when there’s moisture trapped beneath the sealant on concrete curbing surfaces. In order to avoid this problem, make sure that no sealant is applied over damp surfaces since this will trap moisture beneath it and create bubbles in future coats of sealant.

Additionally, allow plenty of time for each coat to dry completely before adding another layer so moisture can escape from between layers properly. Whenever possible, try to apply sealer during cooler days since temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit can also contribute to blistering issues after curing has occurred over time.


In order to prevent staining on concrete curbing surfaces during sealing projects, it’s important to choose high-quality product with excellent water resistance capabilities as well as providing UV protection from fading caused by direct sunlight exposure over time.

Additionally, always follow manufacturer instructions closely when mixing products together and avoid diluting them if not explicitly called for in instructions since this can reduce their stain-resistant properties significantly once applied onto your curbing projects surface properly sealed and dried completely after application process has been completed successfully without any complications or issues encountered throughout process itself whenever possible & convenient until then just enjoy your freshly sealed & protected against all elements outdoor spaces now !

Maintenance Tips

Sweep Regularly:

To keep concrete curbing looking its best, it is important to sweep regularly. This not only removes dirt, debris and other materials that can be tracked onto the surface, but also helps prevent salt and ice-melting chemicals from collecting on it. Use a soft bristled broom or push broom to sweep the curbing. It is important to use a gentle sweeping motion in order to avoid damaging the curbing surface.

Additionally, make sure to sweep any cracks or crevices in order to remove any potential sources of moisture or debris that could cause damage over time.

Avoid Using Deicing Salts:

Deicing salts are commonly used during winter weather conditions; however, these should be avoided for concrete curbing when possible. The chemicals contained in deicing salts can damage the sealant on the concrete, leading to cracking and fading over time.

In addition, these salts can attract more moisture into the concrete which can lead to further damage and discoloration. Instead of using deicing salts, opt for sand or kitty litter which will provide traction without causing harm over time. 

Reapply Sealant Periodically:

The sealant on concrete curbs should be reapplied periodically in order to maintain their appearance and durability over time. When applying sealants, choose one specifically designed for outdoor concrete surfaces and follow all manufacturer instructions carefully.

To apply sealants correctly, begin by cleaning the curb thoroughly with a pressure washer or hose; then allow it dry completely before beginning application of sealant products. Make sure to cover all sides of the curb evenly and allow 24 hours for drying before using the area again.

After several months have passed, test for water repellency by spraying a light mist of water on the surface; if water does not bead up on contact then additional sealant may need to be applied as necessary.

What happens if you don’t seal concrete?

What happens if you don't seal concrete

If you do not seal concrete curbing, it will be vulnerable to moisture damage and staining. If the surface of the curbing is left untreated, it can absorb water like a sponge, which makes it weak and eventually causes cracks and crumbling.

Additionally, without sealing the surface of the curbing will be more susceptible to staining such as oil, grease, moss and dirt buildup. Over time this can lead to discoloration that cannot easily be removed or reversed.

How do you finish concrete edging?

Concrete edging can be finished in a variety of different ways to suit your preferences or specific needs. Generally speaking, firstly ensure that the edges are cut cleanly with a saw or grinder then apply a sealer or primer onto the freshly cut edges to prevent any further moisture damage.

After this has been applied, depending on how you want your edging finished there are a few options available; these include: using paint or stain on top of sealer/primer (these will need to be reapplied every few years), stamped concrete which can create patterns in your edging (this does require extra expertise) or polished concrete which gives off a shiny smooth finish (this requires extra work so may end up being more expensive). 

Will sealing concrete make it slippery?

Sealing concrete does not necessarily make it slippery unless certain materials are used during the process. A good quality clear sealant should act as a barrier against unwanted substances but should leave the texture of the surface unchanged; however some sealants contain materials like waxes or oils which can cause slickness when walked upon. It is always best consult with an expert before applying any kind of sealant over your curbing so that you get the right product that suits your needs and will not make it slippery when in use. 

How do you maintain concrete curbing?

To maintain concrete curbing properly, regular cleaning must take place because dirt and debris can accumulate on surfaces quickly after installation; this includes washing off any stains that keep appearing even after sealing has been done.

For extra protection against future damages caused by weathering or excessive wear try resealing surfaces every 2-3 years with high-quality acrylic-based products formulated specifically for outdoor use they’ll provide higher levels of resistance against chipping and cracking while still allowing breathability for underlying surfaces so water evaporation remains at optimal levels.

To ensure long term success also check regularly for signs such as uneven settling or cracking from beneath due to improper installation techniques if these issues appear then contact an expert immediately for advice on how best to rectify them before further deterioration occurs


Sealing concrete curbing is a great way to ensure that it remains in good condition for years to come. Taking the necessary steps when preparing and applying the sealant will help you get the best results possible. Cleaning the surface before applying any sealant is essential, as well as patching up any cracks or damaged areas of the curbing.

Following application tips and troubleshooting common problems like uneven coverage will help you achieve a uniform finish. Lastly, regular sweeping and other maintenance tasks are key for ensuring that your concrete curbing stays looking its best over time.

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